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      Santi Senso es el creador e impulsor del lenguaje de los Actos Intimos. Fundador de la primera casa teatro en Venezuela “Casa Teatro Andante”. Más de 20 años lleva habitando espacios no convencionales con sus llamados Actos Intimos representados en casas particulares, habitaciones de hotel, trasteros, barcos, iglesias, naves industriales, embarcaderos, molinos, cuevas, galerías de arte, salas e incluso teatros han sido habitados por el lenguaje que Santi Senso propone.

      Senso como fórceps emocional nos invita a VIVIR una experiencia única, vital para sentirNOS participe de la dramaturgia VIVA en pleno acto de generosidad con, para y desde el AMOR. En sus actos no hay ensayo previo, no hay texto aprendido, sí un argumento que está expuesto a la sorpresa ya que nunca sabemos que reacción tendrá la otra persona a la que se se accionó con un “hola”. No es una improvisación. ¿A caso se puede improvisar un sentimiento?.   


     Gurú, chamán, mago, angel, arcángel, sanador, invasivo, intuitivo, temerario, desconcertante, impulsivo, transgresor, visceral, son algunos de los calificativos con los que los participes de los actos íntimos (los espectadores) han ido definiendo a Santi Senso y como él dice: "Acepto como me siente el mundo pero no me hago cargo de esos adjetivos" Sí que deconstruyo, para construir sin destruir desde la escucha y el respeto sin llevar a violar.

     El cine, las series de tv, los musicales, la fotografía, la pintura, la moda han sido y siguen siendo disciplinas en la cuales hemos podido ver Santi Senso desde que era tan solo un adolescente pero ahora esas participaciones están embriagadas del lenguaje que habita a este loco lindo.

Santi Senso es profesor en la Central de Cine de Madrid con su propio lenguaje que ha publicado en el libro "ACTOS INTIMOS" con su lenguaje junto una decena de dramaturgias y en marzo de 2021 publicó su segundo libro "PARIR, volver al vientre". 

Biography SANTI SENSO   


Santi Senso is one of the most revealing creators of culture in Spain and Latin America. "An emotional forceps", thus define Senso's behavior during his so-called  “ACTOS INTIMOS” . 

Always inviting us to LIVE a unique, brutal, necessary experience to feel alive in that act of generosity with, for and from LOVE.

An essential being in the theater, cinema, painting, photography, dance, literature or other languages that need the vulnerability of their acts to communicate with honesty.  

According to his natal chart he comes from wise men, and he is in this world to shape his knowledge. One day someone said, "I want to know where I can read your language, your technique". Santi replied: "It is not written". Another attendee to the gathering said: "They will write for him." And so it has been. 

Years later, the editorial Punto de Vista, contacted with Santi and they proposed to publish his Living Dramaturgies and other beautiful crazy things, its language “ACTOS INTIMOS”. 

The book launch will be in the FIL 2017 in Guadalajara, Mexico. 

Santi Senso lives in Madrid in the multicultural neighborhood of Lavapiés, although he was born in Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain, on September 9, 1979.   

He never had teachers, nor did he want them. And perhaps, for this reason, he was creating unconsciously and pushing his inner acts. 

Director of International Festival of Intimate Theater in Private Houses. In one of his trips to Venezuela he created the First House Theater in Barquisimeto. Tertullian in the Extremadura Channel Radio Program "The Sun Goes Out West". Professor at the Madrid Film Center "The Vulnerability of the actor in front of the camera". Actor of TV series, Cinema, Theater, Musical and inspiring of other creators and their disciplines as photographers, painters, potters, singers, perfumers, bakers, poets, writers, perfomances, fashion designers, who created works that formed the exhibition" EGOsenso, the confrontation of the other me".  

For almost 20 years, Senso has been sharing his intimate language with Europe, Latin America and New York, inhabiting his unsettling scenic look in unconventional spaces (private houses, hotel rooms, storage rooms, ships, churches, industrial buildings, piers, mills, caves, art galleries, museums, halls and even theaters.) 

 "If you give generosity, one day the generosity will smile, it will greet you. The generous is not only the one who gives, but the one who allows himself to receive" Santi Senso.

Santi Senso is a professor at the Madrid Film Center with his own language, which he has published in the book "ACTOS INTIMOS" with his language along with a dozen dramaturgies and in March 2021 he published his second book "GIVE BIRTH, back to the belly."

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